Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Make Every Day a Holiday

Isn’t it funny where you find inspirations?  It could be something you see, something you hear, something you experience first-hand.  Or it could be from a quote, or a random interaction, or a passing glance.  I was eating a piece of Dove chocolate and on the inside of the wrapper was the quote, “Make every day a holiday.”
The more I reflected upon that quote, the more of an impact it made on me and the more it inspired me.  “Make every day a holiday.”
What is so special about holidays?
The holidays are a time which most people spend with their dearest friends and family.  Those that are closest to us in our lives are the ones we typically spend the holidays with.  Those people that we love, we care for, we cherish the time with, those are the ones we spend the holidays with.  Make every day a holiday.
The holidays are a time when most people reminisce.  They laugh together, cry together, relive the “good times” together.  It is a time to reflect together on the year or years and celebrate together.   These good times are often celebrated over hearty food and drinks, making the occasion more special!   Make every day a holiday.
The holidays are a time when most people put aside their worries, their fears, and their troubles.  The holidays bring out that special moment in us all where we can focus on the positives and “forget” about the negatives – even if it is only for a brief moment.   Make every day a holiday.
The holidays are a time when most people are thankful for what they have, and not worried about what they do not have.  They take the time to think about all the blessings they have in life.  Whether it is good health, a job, a loving family… there are many reasons to be thankful in life.  Make every day a holiday.
So with a series of holidays coming up in the next few months, be sure to think about what is special to you during the holidays.  Be sure to bottle that love, that energy, that spirit and “make every day a holiday”.

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